The Is No One Like Jesus

“But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times.” ~Micah 5:2

            As part of a world religions class I recently taught at my church, I put together a summary of what makes Jesus different from Muhammad, Buddha, Confucius, the estimated 330 million gods of the Hindus, and any other religious leader that has ever existed. Jesus really is like no other! His coming was predicted. The events of His life were prophesied. He fulfilled all of the prophecies about His life. He led a sinless life. He performed miracles which were witnessed by many. He predicted the future, some of which have already been fulfilled. His story is told in a book that can be demonstrated to be of divine origin because of the prophecy it contains. He gave His life as a ransom for many. He rose from the dead. He said that He was God and He proved it. He promised to return. He said that He personally was the source of eternal life, and He described a heaven beyond human understanding.

            Not a single one of these things is true about any individual that ever existed in the history of the world except Jesus! Our Savior is truly divine. Our Savior is truly unique! He transcends this earthly realm and grants us access to the heavenly realm. We can be secure in the promises Jesus has made to us.

Lord Jesus, we pray that you will give us a faith in you that moves us to action to do your work and to spread the gospel on this earthly plane. Amen.

2 thoughts on “The Is No One Like Jesus”

  1. Alexis Aloesso

    Shalom ! Je demande la prière chers frères.
    Je veux manifester la vie de JESUS. Je veux son Esprit.

    1. J’ai prié pour vous que Dieu vous remplisse de son Saint-Esprit et qu’il vous utilise pour faire avancer son royaume.

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