A Divine Savior

 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  He was with God in the beginning.   ~John 1:1-2

This story is told of Daniel Webster when he was in the prime of his manhood. He was dining with literary men in Boston. During the dinner, the conversation turned to the subject of Christianity. Mr. Webster affirmed his belief in the divinity of Christ and his dependence upon Jesus’ work on the cross as payment for his sins.

One said to him, “Mr. Webster, can you comprehend how Christ could be both God and man? Mr. Webster promptly replied, “No, sir, I cannot comprehend it. If I could comprehend him, he would be no greater than myself. I feel that I need a super-human Savior.”

            Daniel Webster’s conclusion that he needed a super-human savior is undoubtedly correct. If Christ were merely a man, how could he serve as a mediator between God and man? If Christ himself were drowning in sin, how could he save us from our sins? A drowning man cannot rescue a drowning man. They will surely both perish. Christ can rescue us precisely because he is not like us. He can save us because he is not in bondage to sin and death. Christ can save us because He is like no other on this earthly plane. Christ can save us because He is God. Unlike any other religious leader that ever existed, Christ alone transcends this earthly plane and thus is able to translate us to the heavenly realms.

Heavenly Father, we thank you that You save us by Your grace. We thank you that You have stooped down to save fallen creatures devoid of righteousness. Help us to see Jesus as He really is, God in the flesh, our divine Savior. Amen